Sunday, November 2, 2014

This is Halloween...This is Halloween...Pumpkins scream in the Dead of Night...

So, time has been flying since I last shared my Meandering Musings with you!  I have been working on two separate posts that I have yet to finish, so I'll just go ahead with a third, because apparently that's how I roll!  I can't believe October has already come and gone!   I must say I'm finally getting into the spirit of Fall.  I love to see the trees here in Midtown change colors, to feel the cooler breezes, to watch the leaves float gently down to Earth.   I love, love, love, trying pumpkin spice everything, as we discussed in my last post.  This year felt like our first Midtown Halloween, since last year we had only been in our home for 10 days. Last Halloween we were right in the middle of having our Midtown Mecca rewired, which was advertised as a one day job, and in fact ended up taking 9 working days!  Due to the continuous daily barrage of noise, mess, and confusion, we weren't really able to decorate much for Halloween.  By the time I began to get into the "Spirit" of things, there were no pumpkins to be found, so I had to resort to my electric ones. This photo shows the entire extent of my Halloween decorations last year.  Can we say "lamest excuse for decorations ever"?

The Daughter, however, has been obsessed with all things Halloween since about the age of three, and looks for the earliest excuse to put up her decorations. I think these were hanging up at her house before the end of September! The Hubs and I  like to wait a bit longer, partly due to having to drag all the boxes down the stairs from the attic, unpacking them, and setting up everything. 
(I know, I know, #middleagedproblems) The Daughter and her GF were over one Saturday evening, and The Daughter decided it was time to get the Halloween stuff down and help me decorate.  After dragging boxes downstairs, opening all of them, unpacking some, and generally making my living room into a Huge Halloween Mess, she decided she was no longer in the mood for this adventure, and wanted instead to raid my not so secret stash of Pumpkin Spice Oreos.   So, the next day The Hubs and I went through all of the stuff that we've accumulated over the years, threw away a bunch of stuff, filled a box for Goodwill, made a pile to give to the Daughter, and started setting up what we had left.   In Midtown, it's all about the  front porch, so we had to make sure ours was ready!

Our Dining room became the home for all things pumpkiny and ghostly.

I love our big mantle!  It's the perfect place for all the really spooky stuff.
Halloween decorations were almost everywhere in our house!!

The Daughter and I made these
spooky glowing jars of spiders the                                                                                                             weekend before Halloween. 

A few days before Halloween, we were at our favorite Vegan Restaurant, Imagine Vegan Cafe,  and they had such beautiful Halloweeny desserts!!  Unfortunately, we were too full after our fabulous lunch to try any of them!  
 So, by the time we finally got the house all ready, Halloween was nearly here!  After dropping off a bag of goodies for the girls at their place, and getting to see this cute jack-o-lantern they had carved, The Hubs and I tore into the pumpkin flesh.  We were quite pleased with the results.  

 We turned on all the Halloween lights, lit all the candles, filled the bowl with candy for the trick-or-treaters, and we were ready!!  Everything looks spookier in the dark!!
 We were visited by quite a few ghouls and goblins that night, as well as some princesses, ladybugs, and super heroes.  It was a frightfully good Halloween!! We even finished out the night with a bit of candy leftover for us to nibble. 

Hope you had a Spooktacular Time!!! 
 Stay tuned, and peace out...

Monday, October 6, 2014

A little bit of this, a little bit of that, a little bit of Art...

So, while I've been transcribing Gisella's story, (you can find Part One here in my last blogpost) stuff has been happenin' here in Midtown! Gisella and I are still working on the next chapter of her memoirs, which will be appearing right here in another blogpost soon. (Don't touch that dial!)   BTW, I met her in an antique store in Jackson, TN, where she has been hanging out for awhile. I hope you didn't find her story too melancholy; sometimes that's just how life is...

When I haven't been arranging the story of Gisella, I've  been doing a good bit of Memphis Midtown Meandering. I recently ran across this, (not literally) and I didn't  have to meander any farther than my own pantry, to a bag of my favorite chips! (See my blogpost of Sept 11th if you're not sure which flavor that is!) It just goes to show you, that you can find love anywhere! Another spectacle that I didn't even have to leave my own Midtown Mecca's backyard to see, was this gorgeous Swamp Hibiscus.  These  have made me smile so many times since they started blooming in July!  The Hubs and I were afraid that the harsh Memphis Winter had surely done them in, since they were the last of all the plants to bloom, but they have had beautiful flowers all Summer, and are still going strong!!

 Branching out into our neighborhood for

 Sunday evening walks with The Hubs is one

 of my favorite Midtown activities.  The 

sunsets have been spectacular lately!

These two pics show what a difference 

about 20 minutes can make!
The Daughter and I have had lots of Adventures in Shopping recently, and I have been slowly getting into the spirit of Halloween!! The Daughter is in the mood all year round, but I resist until at least October 1st! Target is our favorite place to check out all the Halloween stuff so far, and Party City comes in 2nd place.

So which of the masks do you think goes best with The Daughter's Miss Voorhees Halloween Costume?   

 Another thing I  meandered upon at Target were these amazing cookies!!  I have talked about the Caramel Apple Oreos before, (again-see 9/11's post) and now--OMG--Pumpkin Spice Oreos!!  I stumbled across these on the day they came out, so I grabbed a few extra packages, since you never know how long the limited edition will last. I love the fact that October and November are the Season of Pumpkin Spice everything!!  Some people may get tired of Pumpkin spice, but I never do!!  The only thing that  makes me give it up is the changing of seasons to 
gingerbread and peppermint everything, on the
 day after Thanksgiving !! 

Something else that I saw  recently was this card display...Kudos to  Target and Hallmark,  for actually getting in sync with the times. 


While we are on the topic, The Hubs, The Daughter, and The Daughter's GF (yes I said it) spent a recent Friday night at Crosstown Arts' "Big Gay Art Show".  The curator of the show, Thomas Green, says, "the show's concept is designed to inspire the younger generation, welcome them into the community and let them know that there are people who have been where they are."  The show highlighted works of regional artists, and even included balloons, bubbles, free drinks, and lots of interesting people.  


These were some of my favorite Art pieces. The first one was projected on a huge sheet of shimmery fabric, and changed scenes every now and then.  It was fascinating.  The painting series was entitled "Journey of a Trans Man", and was done by Jaqueline O'Neal. I found it interesting to study the expressions on the subject's face in each frame, changing from tears, to confusion, to sadness, and eventually to a great big smile.

We all had a great time at the show.  When we stepped outside, we were awed by this beautiful artistic display in the sky.  

In another of Crosstown Arts' spaces, we were treated to the Gonerfest Art Show, entitled "Anyway, Anyhow".   It was billed as  "A raw wild visual gumbo to accompany the sick sonic stew of Gonerfest!" Gonerfest is an international music festival, sponsored by Goner Records, which celebrated its eleventh year. 

We all enjoyed the art there as well. There were so many intriguing pieces!  The featured artists included Tim Kerr, Bruce Webb, Butch Anthony, John Henry Toney, and Timmy Lampinen.  Each of the pieces was so thought-provoking.  I love living so close to Crosstown Arts, and being able to meander over there on a Friday nite and check out some art, grab a drink, and meet some interesting people.  

When we had taken in all the art our brains could handle, we headed over to the Cleveland St. Flea Market on the way home. 

I always see something interesting whenever  I'm                                                                there.

 I think Gisella might have met this woman on the train to France after she left Modra...    I'll have to check on that...                                                                                               

So anyway, we headed back home, to sample the amazing dessert The Daughter created--Chocolate pumpkin pie.  She has been perfecting her recipe,  and it has reached its apex--it was amazing!  I keep telling her she has been levelling up in her kitchen abilities.  The awesome thing about the pie (besides its yumminess) is that it's vegan.  She is planning on making it for Thanksgiving.  

Another recent Midtown Evening Event was a Going Away Party for our neighbors who are moving to Jordan. (Well, actually they are there now, but of course weren't when we had the party-you get my point)  We hosted  the gathering in our backyard, and it was lots of fun.  There was great food, beverages, sidewalk chalk, whistles, conversations, tears, hugs, and a great time was had by all!! They were the first neighbors we met when we moved into the neighborhood last year. She even brought over warm, fresh baked brownies on our first night in our new home! Who else even does that anymore?  They will definitely be missed in our little world.   See there Ms. A-- I told you at the party that you might end up in my blog!!
Stay tuned for more Midtown Meanderings and Musings, more from Gisella, and more Memphis fun! 
Peace out...

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Part 2--Cooper Young Fest/A Midtown Meanderer's Weekend

So, as advertised, here is the final chapter in the saga of last weekend!!  I would have preferred to have finished it before this weekend, but alas--it's too late now for regrets!  This past week has been busier than usual. There was the usual hanging out with The Hubs, Chillin' on the porch, "Weekly Excursion of Adventures in Taking the Daughter Grocery Shopping and Out to Eat", then the added "Adventures with My Mom", as well as the unexpected "Adventure in Driving The Daughter to a Job Interview" (send good vibes, send good vibes).   As you will recall (if you don't recall you can check out my last post!) we were discussing the Cooper Young Festival!  There were so many incredible things to see!!  Handmade Jewelry was definitely  one of the most popular items at the Fest, and there were so many different kinds from which to choose.  I really loved some of the quirkier stuff.  These Steampunk pieces were so well done and so interesting to see.  I  love all the old watch pieces and gears.  
 Annie Fraley and Upster are the makers of  some of these unique pieces.  These earrings were Steampunk cool as well.  I love the artful tags used to display them. Speaking of Steampunk, check out these Steampunk Christmas ornaments I saw !! Don't you need them for your tree?  (btw-Xmas is only 97 days away!!)
This talented young lady combined painting, jewelry, and even a funky cool hair color. Her art was so pretty!
Okay, I'm starting to meander around in my topics now--so back to jewelry.  These were hands down (definite intentional pun)  the most interesting pieces of jewelry I saw.  I loved the brightly colored Barbie style shoes, bracelets made from poker chips, zipper necklace, and was equal parts intrigued and frightened by the Barbie hands necklace.   These were most assuredly unique!!
One last piece of jewelry that caught my eye was this one.  First, I absolutely adore the way it is displayed.  It looks so beautiful!  What caused me to pause was the "Mother " pin in the middle.  I have shadow boxes with pictures and mementos for each of my Grandmothers.  In the one for My Dad's Mom is a pin almost identical to this one, that was given to her by her only child, My Dad, in the 1940's.  I was surprised to see a pin just like it!! 
There were loads of T-shirts for sale at the Festival, but Cat-Octopus and Roller Skating Giraffe were my favorites of the day!  There were even a few booths with vintage clothing and antique goods, and The Hubs and I enjoyed picking through them.  I loved this hoop skirt dress. It would look delightful on this young lady, if only were her size...

I love to see people repurposing things.  Making these old children's books into journals was a great idea.  One of the books in the box I had when I was a kid, and one The Daughter had.  Actually, I'm pretty sure we still have them both!
Here are some more of my favorite repurposed products.  
Making guitars from repurposed materials is not  a new idea, as the gentleman who makes them was telling me, but is what many musicians used to do back in the day when they couldn't afford or didn't have access to instruments of their own.  These wind spinners made from aluminum cans demonstrate that there is a use for everything!!  I enjoyed the bugs and crabs made from old nuts, bolts, spark plugs, etc.   The yard art was lots of fun too!  The big flowers were ceramic and painted by hand, and the birdhouses were a home a bird could be proud to own.  

The local LGBT Center had a booth at the Fest, as did the other businesses and Restaurants that line the Streets of Cooper and Young.  

This amazing event had absolutely tons of fun for people of all ages!!

After a few hours of meandering, looking, touching, taking pics, etc., we were beginning to grow weary of the crowds of people blocking the sight of the products, stopping in the middle of the road, walking like snails, standing in the way, etc., etc., etc.  Also, our poor brains were ready to explode from trying to take in everything!  (I know, I know, #middleagedproblems) We didn't make it to all of the stalls, but we gave it a good try. There was just so much to see!!  So, we decided to meander back on over to relatives B & S's house, and see if they were home yet.  They were, and we had a great time hanging out on their porch, chatting with them, meeting some of their friends, as well as meeting our newer relatives, their dogs P & W.  It was nice to sit and relax for a bit, and as I mentioned before, the weather was wonderful that day.  We headed out to go get Dinner, and as we were leaving the neighborhood, I saw this car that I had seen when we were coming in earlier.  
Perhaps I 'm really a middleaged hippie at heart (okay-no perhaps about it!), or perhaps it's because my first car was a VW bug, that my parents owned when I was a child, (and we actually put flower stickers on it at one time in the 1960's) but I loved this!!!  Maybe someday I'll have a Bug again...sigh...
So, the Hubs and I meandered over to one of local Midtown restaurants, El Toro Loco, 

since we were getting hungry.  We enjoyed a lovely dinner, then headed home and participated in more of our favorite Midtown pasttime--chillin' on our front porch, watching the squirrels, birds, dogs, and people.   Life is good in Midtown!!
Stay tuned for further adventures of meandering and musing...
Peace out...